
Volkskunst encompasses art produced by Laibach folowers and supporters and it is primarily inspired and influenced by the work of Laibach and Laibach Kunst. In this respect Volkskunst expresses cultural identity by conveying shared community values and aesthetics, related to Laibach’s idea of Universal art and society. You can send your works in a .jpg format to: info@laibach.org

From Ljubljana With Love

From Ljubljana With Love

Peter Blase

Enrique Castañeda‎



Adesso Viene il Bello

Berthold Schymura‎

Laibach-Daumen (Laibach-Thumb)

Laibach-Daumen (Laibach-Thumb)

Berthold Schymura

Good Morning, Laibach!

Good Morning, Laibach!

Berthold Schymura‎

Carsten Busse‎

Laibach, Negative Space

Laibach, Negative Space

Zeon Schwarzblut‎

Überlingen, Bodensee. Bügelperlen auf Stein

Überlingen, Bodensee. Bügelperlen auf Stein

Berthold Schymura‎

Eingang Shopping-Mall Gerber Stuttgart; Kreuz aus Bügelperlen mit Klebeband an Glastür

Eingang Shopping-Mall Gerber Stuttgart; Kreuz aus Bügelperlen mit Klebeband an Glastür

Berthold Schymura‎

Kreuz aus Bügelperlen in Fliesenausstellung in Neckarsulm

Kreuz aus Bügelperlen in Fliesenausstellung in Neckarsulm

Berthold Schymura‎

Fashion Store, Stuttgart

Fashion Store, Stuttgart

Berthold Schymura‎

Steel Cross/Black Cross. Haltestelle Fasanenhof der Stuttgarter Straßenbahn

Steel Cross/Black Cross. Haltestelle Fasanenhof der Stuttgarter Straßenbahn

Berthold Schymura‎ (with Britta Schymura)

White Noise Stuttgart

White Noise Stuttgart

Berthold Schymura‎

Blackpool, GB. Black Cross, Irish Sea/England, Sun/Shadow, Water/Land, Concrete/Wave

Blackpool, GB. Black Cross, Irish Sea/England, Sun/Shadow, Water/Land, Concrete/Wave

Berthold Schymura‎

Manchester Airport, UK

Manchester Airport, UK

Berthold Schymura‎

End of content