
Volkskunst encompasses art produced by Laibach folowers and supporters and it is primarily inspired and influenced by the work of Laibach and Laibach Kunst. In this respect Volkskunst expresses cultural identity by conveying shared community values and aesthetics, related to Laibach’s idea of Universal art and society. You can send your works in a .jpg format to: info@laibach.org

Plus Minus Null

Plus Minus Null

Barry Douglas

Everywhere I Look, I See Laibach

Everywhere I Look, I See Laibach

Scott Wilson

Kazinczy Street, Budapest

Kazinczy Street, Budapest

Gulyás Bertalan-Berci, H



Iván Del Hierro

Stamp International Day of Red Cross, RS (BiH)

Stamp International Day of Red Cross, RS (BiH)

Roberto Ramos (forwarded by), Brazil

Ancient image of Cross of Knossos

Ancient image of Cross of Knossos

Roberto Ramos (forwarded by), Brazil

Cross Sacral Stavros from the Temple Repositories of Knossos 1600 BC  (Heraclion Museum Greece)

Cross Sacral Stavros from the Temple Repositories of Knossos 1600 BC (Heraclion Museum Greece)

Roberto Ramos (forwarded by), Brazil



Grzegorz Klaman (forwarded by Daniel Dadun, PL)

Spielplatz Laibach

Spielplatz Laibach

JJ73 (CZ)

No Title

No Title

Haris Hararis, Greece

Whatever I Drink I See Laibach

Whatever I Drink I See Laibach

David Erased – Creep

Respublica Nowa

Respublica Nowa

Mariusz Franciszek

Le privilege des morts….(Detail of a tombstone, East Calais, VT, USA)

Le privilege des morts….(Detail of a tombstone, East Calais, VT, USA)

Jeroen Visscher

No Title

No Title

Gagz Sigil, Łódź, PL

Laibach Necklace

Laibach Necklace

Cristian Tapia (forwarded by)



Daniel Dadun, PL

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