
Volkskunst encompasses art produced by Laibach folowers and supporters and it is primarily inspired and influenced by the work of Laibach and Laibach Kunst. In this respect Volkskunst expresses cultural identity by conveying shared community values and aesthetics, related to Laibach’s idea of Universal art and society. You can send your works in a .jpg format to: info@laibach.org

Milestone, Duisburg, Germany

Milestone, Duisburg, Germany

Uwe Hubatschek

Laibach at Gent St.-Pieters Station

Laibach at Gent St.-Pieters Station


Heimatsmuseum (Möderndorf castle near Hermagor)

Heimatsmuseum (Möderndorf castle near Hermagor)

Martin Smisek

The Simpsons – Tapped Out

The Simpsons – Tapped Out

Jose Gonzales

WAT 4130

WAT 4130

Laibach Community

Everywhere I Look I See Laibach

Everywhere I Look I See Laibach

Roman Uranjek

Arctic, deer Yasha, 1941

Arctic, deer Yasha, 1941

Eugene Chaldean (forwarded by Shaun Collins)

Accidentall Laibach at Drygate Brewing Co.

Accidentall Laibach at Drygate Brewing Co.


Eyeware, summer 2014

Eyeware, summer 2014

Sanjei Gupta

Laibach-Cake by Betty Bossi (Switzerland)

Laibach-Cake by Betty Bossi (Switzerland)

Honke Rambow

No Title

No Title

Karl Ružička

No Title

No Title

Carsten Busse

Laibach Gebäck

Laibach Gebäck

Adesso Viene Il Bello‎

Valiant Hearts: The Great War

Valiant Hearts: The Great War


Grüße aus Hamburg

Grüße aus Hamburg

Suzana Bradaric

Special Laibach guest appearance in the Eurythmics’ video for “Beethoven”

Special Laibach guest appearance in the Eurythmics’ video for “Beethoven”

Steve Vil

End of content