
Volkskunst encompasses art produced by Laibach folowers and supporters and it is primarily inspired and influenced by the work of Laibach and Laibach Kunst. In this respect Volkskunst expresses cultural identity by conveying shared community values and aesthetics, related to Laibach’s idea of Universal art and society. You can send your works in a .jpg format to: info@laibach.org

Laibach Dehydration Card, Indonesia

Laibach Dehydration Card, Indonesia

Arne Lateef W Elf I

The Sovereign Order of Malta’s Grand Chancellor, Albrecht Boeselager, holds a press conference in the Magistral Villa in Rome

The Sovereign Order of Malta’s Grand Chancellor, Albrecht Boeselager, holds a press conference in the Magistral Villa in Rome

Bertrand Le Chiffre

Laibach cookies at Old City of Bern

Laibach cookies at Old City of Bern

Bertrand Le Chiffre‎

Laibach Minecraft

Laibach Minecraft

Der Jörgen

Laibach on Mars: Cross Slabs Caught By Opportunity NASA

Laibach on Mars: Cross Slabs Caught By Opportunity NASA

Forwarded by Sanja Boring Yawning

PANAMARENKO UNIVERSUM exhibition at M KHA museum (Antwerp – Belgium)

PANAMARENKO UNIVERSUM exhibition at M KHA museum (Antwerp – Belgium)

Hans Verwimp

No title

No title

Anton György Lebrovitz‎

Croatia, Hvar, Velo Grablje

Croatia, Hvar, Velo Grablje


Port of Hamburg, October 3, 2014

Port of Hamburg, October 3, 2014


Tajemnice Ukladu Warszawskiego

Tajemnice Ukladu Warszawskiego

Martin Salasa

Wilderness church at Gotska Sandön

Wilderness church at Gotska Sandön

Alexander von Olsson

No title

No title

Mihail Bashin

No title

No title

Sergio Buttolo (forwarded by)

Industrial Product (IKEA di Reno, Bologna – Italy)

Industrial Product (IKEA di Reno, Bologna – Italy)

Giovanni Paolo Braccia & Corrina B.

lavoropiu (Ponte Matteotti, Bologna – Italy)

lavoropiu (Ponte Matteotti, Bologna – Italy)

Giovanni Paolo Braccia

No title

No title

Horváth Bálint

End of content