
Volkskunst encompasses art produced by Laibach folowers and supporters and it is primarily inspired and influenced by the work of Laibach and Laibach Kunst. In this respect Volkskunst expresses cultural identity by conveying shared community values and aesthetics, related to Laibach’s idea of Universal art and society. You can send your works in a .jpg format to: info@laibach.org

Everywhere I look I see Laibach in Shanghai

Everywhere I look I see Laibach in Shanghai

Hans Verwimp

Otto Krossn

Otto Krossn

Doors with a Cross

Doors with a Cross

Otto Krossn

Otto Krossn

Laibach Apteka

Laibach Apteka

Alexander Baryshnikov

God is God

God is God

Alexey Baykov

Bertrand Thibert

Bertrand Thibert

Bertrand Thibert



Otto Krossn

Laibach für alle!

Laibach für alle!

Joakim Kock



Alexey Baykov

Electric Samurai

Electric Samurai

Otto Krossn

Architect’s Cross

Architect’s Cross

Honke Rambow

From Russia With Love (photo by Aleksey Myakishev)

From Russia With Love (photo by Aleksey Myakishev)

Radionoise (forwarded by)

End of content