Volkskunst encompasses art produced by Laibach folowers and supporters and it is primarily inspired and influenced by the work of Laibach and Laibach Kunst. In this respect Volkskunst expresses cultural identity by conveying shared community values and aesthetics, related to Laibach’s idea of Universal art and society.
You can send your works in a .jpg format to: info@laibach.org
On the way to the Mt. Oljka, Slovenia
Oil Painting of an Unknown Artist in a Local Cafe
Gora Oljka Church, Slovenia
Probably the Most Laibachian College in the World
Work of Artist Michael Glancy
Artist and designer Bertil Vallien
Selling the Beatles Album Collection (Kiev)
@amusement park “Toverland” the Netherlands
Nova Akropola (Castle of Chambord, France)
From a museum in Charlieu (France)
Centralstation in Aarhus/Denmark
Shopping Center Novo mesto