
Volkskunst encompasses art produced by Laibach folowers and supporters and it is primarily inspired and influenced by the work of Laibach and Laibach Kunst. In this respect Volkskunst expresses cultural identity by conveying shared community values and aesthetics, related to Laibach’s idea of Universal art and society. You can send your works in a .jpg format to: info@laibach.org

Elina Löwensohn as Sofia in Amateur, Hal Hartley, 1994

Elina Löwensohn as Sofia in Amateur, Hal Hartley, 1994

Mariusz Franciszek Biskup

On the Right Track!

On the Right Track!

Hajdú Attila 



Otto Krossn



Otto Krossn

V spomin

V spomin

Otto Krossn

Bat and ball with Laibach

Bat and ball with Laibach

Martin Emes

Mario Cigsa Cigić

Križ from AUS

Križ from AUS

Peter Kromar

Otto Krossn

The Cross

The Cross


Toys Marching – children’s booklet from 1987

Toys Marching – children’s booklet from 1987


Solin, Hrvatska

Solin, Hrvatska

Mario Ciga Cigić

Otok Brač

Otok Brač

Mario Ciga Cigić

Kung Fu VS Silat

Kung Fu VS Silat

Otto Krossn

From: Ivan Terziev

Camping Belgium Brabant

Camping Belgium Brabant

Christoph Van Dyck 

End of content