
Volkskunst encompasses art produced by Laibach folowers and supporters and it is primarily inspired and influenced by the work of Laibach and Laibach Kunst. In this respect Volkskunst expresses cultural identity by conveying shared community values and aesthetics, related to Laibach’s idea of Universal art and society. You can send your works in a .jpg format to: info@laibach.org

Antykwariat i Księgarnia Zbigniew Oprządek Krosno

Antykwariat i Księgarnia Zbigniew Oprządek Krosno

forwarded by M.F. Biskup

Herbs For Health

Herbs For Health

forwarded by M.F. Biskup



Otto Krossn 



God is God

God is God

Rob Berry

Medal: Kutno 1939; project: Józef Gosławski, 1949

Medal: Kutno 1939; project: Józef Gosławski, 1949

forwarded by M.F. Biskup

Otto Krossn 

Róża Maria Goździewska during the Warsaw Uprising 1944

Róża Maria Goździewska during the Warsaw Uprising 1944

forwarded by M.F. Biskup

‘ales from the Gimli Hospital; dir. Guy Maddin, 2009

‘ales from the Gimli Hospital; dir. Guy Maddin, 2009

forwarded by M.F. Biskup

Laibach in Zaječar

Laibach in Zaječar

David Rajković

Ursus, Warszawa, Poland

Ursus, Warszawa, Poland


Roundabout in Indianapolis

Roundabout in Indianapolis

forwarded by M.F. Biskup

Simulator Videos

Simulator Videos

forwarded by M.F. Biskup

“Las bañistas”, Jorge González Camarena, 1937,  Mexico, Museo Nacional de Arte

“Las bañistas”, Jorge González Camarena, 1937, Mexico, Museo Nacional de Arte

Roger Thuring

Царь, Реж. Павел Лунгин ; 2009

Царь, Реж. Павел Лунгин ; 2009

forwarded by M.F. Biskup

Ireneusz Iredyńsk, Manipulacja

Ireneusz Iredyńsk, Manipulacja

forwarded by M.F. Biskup

End of content