What is Oracle?
In Classical Antiquity, an oracle was a person or agency considered to be a source of wise counsel or prophetic predictions or precognition of the future, inspired by the gods. As such it is a form of divination.
The word oracle in Latin verb means ōrāre “to speak” and properly refers to the priest or priestess uttering the prediction. In extended use, oracle may also refer to the site of the oracle, and to the oracular utterances themselves, called khrēsmoi (χρησμοί) in Greek.
The term “oracle” is also applied to parallel institutions of divination in other cultures. Specifically, it is used in the context of Christianity for the concept of divine revelation, and in the context of Judaism for the Urim and Thummim breastplate, and in general any utterance considered prophetic.
Ask LAIBACH a short question.
Questions will be reviewed periodically and short answers will be published below.
Contact: info@laibach.org
Q: Is it possible to have one’s cake and to eat it too? (Sean Cooke)
L: This is possible if you own yourself.
Q: Should I stay or should I go? (Brian Meagher)
L: You should.
Q: “From Marx and back to Plato”… So from Plato back to Badiou ? (Frédéric)
L: Žižek.
Q: Who would you have fought for during the Spanish Civil War? (All)
L: Civilians.
Q: Why God does not exist ? (Frédéric)
L: Because God is God and he does not need to exist!
Q: Where is the road to hell (Christian Redlich)
L: In brains.
Q: I am struggling to become a fascist. What advice can Laibach give me? (Christopher Carlile-Kovacs)
L: Eat more spinach!
Q: Laibach is…? (Rhythm, Bulgaria, 2004)
L: Whatever you want us to be.
Q: WAT is…? (Rhythm, Bulgaria, 2004)
L: Whatever Anybody Thinks.
Q: The art is…? (Rhythm, Bulgaria, 2004)
L: Fanaticism that demands diplomacy.
Q: Do you still think that art is fanaticism? (Lenta, RUS, 2006)
L: Art is fanaticism by definition.
Q: Are you ready to turn the expression backwards: is fanaticism art? (Lenta, RUS, 2006)
L: Yes, fanaticism is the expression of art backwards.
Q: Is freedom an ultimate goal for an artist? (Lenta, RUS, 2006)
L: For an artist freedom is the ultimate slavery.
Q: The new Millennium is…? (Rhythm, Bulgaria, 2004)
L: The place we went to but not did not arrive at.
Q: The Humankind is…? (Rhythm, Bulgaria, 2004)
L: Work in progress.
Q: Revolution or Evolution? (Rhythm, Bulgaria, 2004)
L: Revolvelution.
Q: Society or Person? (Rhythm, Bulgaria, 2004)
L: Social sculpture of collective sub-objects.
Q: To think or to believe? (Rhythm, Bulgaria, 2004)
L: We think to believe that we think.
Q: End or Beginning? (Rhythm, Bulgaria, 2004)
L: In the Beginning there was nothing; than Infinity came and made an End to both of them.
Q: Reason or Faith? (Rhythm, Bulgaria, 2004)
L: Reason is doubt. Faith without the doubt is a dead faith.
Q: The Salvation is in…? (Rhythm, Bulgaria, 2004)
L: …The Army Now.
Q: The Freedom is…? (Rhythm, Bulgaria, 2004)
L: …for those who think alike.
Q: The Truth is…? (Rhythm, Bulgaria, 2004)
L: …that there is no Truth. There is only an agreement about it.
Q: The most important reason to love Laibach is…? (Rhythm, Bulgaria, 2004)
L: We tell the Truth.
Q: Your greatest success is…? (Rhythm, Bulgaria, 2004)
L: Our greatest failure.
Q: Your greatest failure is…? (Rhythm, Bulgaria, 2004)
L: There is none.
Q: The Future is…? (Rhythm, Bulgaria, 2004)
L: …not what it used to be.
Q: What has kept Laibach going all these years? (Fiend Magazine, Australia, 2005)
L: Good food, some sex, strong spirit. And fear of dying.
Q: Some special message for the reader’s of the major Bulgarian newspaper
Trud. (Trud, Bolgaria, 2004)
L: Work (Trud) liberates. Laibach enslaves.
Q: What do you think of Balkan ethno music? (Sega, Bulgaria, 2004)
L: It kills.
Q: How does Laibach define “Heimat/home? (Sacha Batthyany/Silvano Cerutti – Switzerland,2004)
L: Home is where they hate you, but you keep on returning.
Q: What does Laibach feel for Slovenia? (Sacha Batthyany/Silvano Cerutti – Switzerland, 2004)
L: We feel nothing. And that is more than enough!
Q: Any “famous last words”? Anything you’d like to see in print, which is really important, that I completely missed out on? (Zillo, Germany, 2004)
L: Nothing is more or less important.
Q: Where do you see your place in music after 24 years? Do you think of yourself as legends in industrial music? (24 hours, Bulgaria, 2004)
L: If we are truly legends than everything around us should be a fairytale.
Q: Is it by the way correct at all to see Laibach as a rock band? (Sacha Batthyany/Silvano Cerutti – Switzerland, 2004)
L: If it is due to correctness than we are certainly not a rock band; we hate being understood correctly.
Q: Are you disappointed Laibach wasn’t included in the Axis Of Evil? (Fiend Magazine, Australia, 2005)
L: No, that would be too easy; we prefer to operate within the Axis of Good.
Q: Can you answer in the context of Laibach’s new female members? Will women take more dominant roles in Laibach in the future? ‘We Are Women But We Love Our Men’? (Terrorizer Magazine, GB, 2005)
L: We don’t mind women to be superior – if they would only allow men to be inferior.
Q: If I become a citizen of the NSK-state which faith do I have to believe in? (Sacha Batthyany/Silvano Cerutti, Switzerland,2004)
L: You have to believe in your own faith and you have to have faith in your own belief.
Q: In Laibach’s opinion: what connects arts and politics? (Sacha Batthyany/Silvano Cerutti – Switzerland,2004)
L: Ignoring the facts.
Q: What point of weakness do the terrorist cells and military Islamite movement have? (PNG, Germany, 2004)
L: To pray five times a day.
Q: You sound more like a German band than like a Balkan one. (Sega, Bulgaria, 2004)
L: No, German bands sound like Laibach.
Q: This year is the anniversary date of Berlin’s wall has been demolished. What does this date mean to you? (Ozore, RUS, 2006)
L: For us the demolition of the Wall meant that Berlin would never be different again. Now it will only be the same.
Q: There has been a debate about a new patriotism in Germany recently. Is that a tendency Laibach would support? (Markus Hesselmann, D, 2006)
L: There’s nothing wrong with Germans being patriotic, as long as they speak English so that we can all get it.
Q: How can Germany and Eastern Europe connect culturally? (Markus Hesselmann, D, 2006)
L: Through mixed marriages.
Q: Cynical, satirical or parody elements were always the hallmark of ‘Laibach’. The people were not always amused. Were you at the same time a band that had the ability to laugh about yourselves? (Ems-Vechte-Welle, Germany, 2006)
L: No, we are taking humor deadly seriously and we only practice the kind that can’t take a joke.
Q: What makes a great National Anthem? (Rock Sound, GB, 2006)
L: Lots of blood shedding.
Q: “Deutschland, will you make it?”, is the question Laibach ask at the end of the track “Germania”. What are Laibach’s hopes for Germany and what are Laibach’s demands from Germany? (Markus Hesselmann, D, 2006)
L: We hope Germany is not going to lose any wars again and we demand a better coffee.
Q: What period in the world’s history is the most attractive and interesting for you? (Ozore, RUS, 2006)
L: It has to be the short and unique history of mankind.
Q: Where would you like to find yourself if possible? (Ozore, RUS, 2006)
L: At the Immaculate Conception.
Q: Fascism is the aesthetic experience of what? Of capitalism or communism? (Marcel Stefancic Jr., Mladina, SI, 2014)
L: Of libidinal economy.
Q: Are Laibach fascists? (James Sandham, Spill Magazin, US, 2007)
L: Isn’t that obvious?
Q: Are you fascists or not? (Die Zeit, 1986)
L: We are fascists as much as Hitler was an artist.
Q: Who are your role models? (journalist at the press conference with Laibach, Les Rencontres Trans Musicales, Salle de la Cité, Rennes, FR, 1987)
L: Tito, Totò, Tati and Tutu!
Q: Choose: Zeitgeist or Untimely? (Zvuki.Ru)
L: Untimely Zeitgeist.