Warming up for the tour with 2 sold out concerts in Ljubljana. Final leg of Opus Dei Revisited tour starts this Sunday in Krakow 👉https://shorturl.at/Zmsu0 ... See MoreSee Less
When can we expect a Laibach tour in North America?
I’m very happy I could make it to Ljubljana to enjoy these 2 great evenings. Very cool venue with a fantastic sound. Really worth the trip. I enjoyed every moment of it. Hvala !
This is not a concert, it's a masterclass in everything.
Anything different on the setlist than last year?
Opus Dei is (still) your masterpiece! I am glad to See the Show for the fith time in Jena. Love it, thank you for this extraordinary experience.
I'm really looking forward to the Vienna concert 😍
See you in Kraków ^_^
NO drum boys in Opus dei tour?
Laibach hvala vam za kino Šiška in za vse trenutke v avtu, ko vas nabijam... 🤟
Some great photos there, looks like an epic gig ( as per usual) . Expectation levels reaching fever pitch for London!
European Opus Dei tour is fast approaching. Check the February and March dates as we perform in more than 10 countries, including the UK 👉https://shorturl.at/5Yv1i ... See MoreSee Less
Quella che all’inizio doveva essere una semplice recensione di un disco, Opus Dei Revisited, stante il disallineamento temporale tra la pubblicazione della versione su vinile rispetto a quella su cd...
For the Yugoslav public at the time, "Laibach" was a subversive phenomenon. They were banned in Slovenia even before their first concert, and a TV show called for a lynching. Get the most important ne...
Check the dates for the final round of Opus Dei Revisited Tour, starting already in February. Due to great interest, we have added some new dates. Don’t miss out! 👉https://shorturl.at/XzCBL ... See MoreSee Less
It's a shame you can't come to Glasgow on this tour but I hope you will do some summer dates in Europe, I want my 20th time seeing you to be something special ➕❤️➕
Will you ever come to America and tour??
J'aimerai tellement aller les voir à Ljubljana ... Je les adorent tellement ... 🫠🤩
In the summer of 1987, I found myself in a record store in Copenhagen and found a girl (an employee of the store) wearing a T-shirt from the album of this band "Opus Dei". When I introduced myself as ...
No comrade should know about you. You're no comrades. You're infidels. Wannabe-somethings, Germanophiles, fascistoids - nothing to do with comrades. You thought going to fascist North Korea would make you any leftists? You're left like Slavoj Mižek is left, around 0.0001%. Something in those numbers.
Studenti i omladina su uvek u pravu! Danas oni spasavaju dostojanstvo Srbije. Mi ćemo biti sa njima na našim koncertima u Domu omladine 8. i 9. marta. Napravimo Srbiju opet velikom! 👉 shorturl.at/gJJ4a... See MoreSee Less
Kada sam se 1987. našao u jednoj prodavnici ploča u Kopenhagenu, zatekao sam devojku (zaposlenu u šopu) sa majicom albuma ovog benda "Opus Dei". Kada sam se predstavio kao "zemljak" benda, a tada s...
"The socialist bloc was excluded from the musical pop/rock reality"
yes, but interestingly, the otherwise conservative and derided Heavy Metal scene was always receptive to the East, so in the 80s it wasn´t unusual to find records or tapes from Avgust or Chernyy Kofe from Russia, Pokolgep from Hungary, Masters Hammer and Törr from Tchechoslovakia and so on. the chavs had more sense for internationalism than the cool kids 😉
West is the best.
But, East is the beast.
Yes the easts jealousy is obvious and still is
"malo / voleli" ? totalna ljubav i bez straha 😉
of course. because we learned, after an enlightening lyric, that "barbarians are coming from the East", and what they will do!
Primorske novice v sodelovanju z Gledališčem Koper in Radiem Koper prirejamo serijo pogovorov “Četrt stoletja”, s katero obeležujemo 25. obletnico Gledališča Koper.
Ti pogovori so zasnovani kot priložnost za poglobljeno razpravo o ključnih vprašanjih naše družbe, z močno kulturno noto.
📍30. 1. pogovor povezuje moja malenkost, beseda pa bo tekla o kulturnih stikih med slovenskim prostorom in državami nekdanje Jugoslavije.
Na odru se mi bodo pridružili: 👉 kulturna posrednica, pripovedovalka in aktivistka Irena Urbič 👉 spletni interaktivni umetnik, pionir net.art gibanja v 90. letih Vuk Cosic 👉glasbenik, ideolog in ustanovni član zasedbe Laibach Ivan Novak
📍Vidimo se torej v četrtek, 30. januarja ob 19. uri v Gledališču Koper
Vstop je prost, vendar je potrebna predhodna rezervacija vstopnic na info@gledalisce-koper.si.
Gledališče Koper Teatro Capodistria Primorske Novice Radio Koper ... See MoreSee Less
My Zio Giorgio was the anchorman for the News in Koper/Capodistria... Sadly he has moved on, but helped translate the peace agreements with Bill Clinton before he left us. Such a beautiful place.
Laibach Great news! Will these talks be recorded and then made available online? Thanks!
Founding member-more commonly know as the boss/CEO.Very capitalistic😁
Warming up for the tour with 2 sold out concerts in Ljubljana. Final leg of Opus Dei Revisited tour starts this Sunday in Krakow 👉https://shorturl.at/Zmsu0 ... See MoreSee Less
This content isn't available right now
When this happens, it's usually because the owner only shared it with a small group of people, changed who can see it or it's been deleted.Comment on Facebook
Stop. Where is Mina Spiler?
When can we expect a Laibach tour in North America?
I’m very happy I could make it to Ljubljana to enjoy these 2 great evenings. Very cool venue with a fantastic sound. Really worth the trip. I enjoyed every moment of it. Hvala !
This is not a concert, it's a masterclass in everything.
Anything different on the setlist than last year?
Opus Dei is (still) your masterpiece! I am glad to See the Show for the fith time in Jena. Love it, thank you for this extraordinary experience.
I'm really looking forward to the Vienna concert 😍
See you in Kraków ^_^
NO drum boys in Opus dei tour?
Laibach hvala vam za kino Šiška in za vse trenutke v avtu, ko vas nabijam... 🤟
Some great photos there, looks like an epic gig ( as per usual) . Expectation levels reaching fever pitch for London!
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Drill into the latest Laibach news. Check the February newsletter 👉 shorturl.at/MnJZx ... See MoreSee Less
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Pls more revisited content.
Looks like the drill hit the right spot!
European Opus Dei tour is fast approaching. Check the February and March dates as we perform in more than 10 countries, including the UK 👉https://shorturl.at/5Yv1i ... See MoreSee Less
Comment on Facebook
Made a little tribute 😅 vimeo.com/1048827716
North America please!
E na Malveira, Portugal..?? 🤟
Fiestas del Pitic al tiro!
ACHTUNG! Two tickets for Vienna (Feb 19) available from private seller. PN if you're interested 🙂
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LAIBACH - OPUS DEI (REVISITED) | vinyl-keks.eu
Laibach machten sich 1980 als musikalischer Teil des Künstlerkollektivs „NSK – Neue Slowenische Kunst“ auf den Weg, um das politische Experiment einerComment on Facebook
Yes il have 2 versions.
Již mám,super
"A controversial reading on a band that has made provocation its raison d'etre." A review of Opus Dei Revisited ... See MoreSee Less
Loudd | Laibach | Opus Dei Revisited - Recensione, Saggio E Intervista
Quella che all’inizio doveva essere una semplice recensione di un disco, Opus Dei Revisited, stante il disallineamento temporale tra la pubblicazione della versione su vinile rispetto a quella su cd...Comment on Facebook
Someone there has taken time to do their research here, which is always good!
SHOW US YOUR LOVE! ... See MoreSee Less
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our love is indisputable
Come to New Orleans, La.
I figured NSK would have a Moebius Office instead of an Oval Office.
Drugovi na drugarice, tako je! Die Liebe ist die grösste Kraft, die alles schafft.
"Volim i ja vas!" (copyright by Slobodan Milošević)
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Laibach ... See MoreSee Less
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… mi pa bi prodali eno od kart za sobotni koncert. Ker je v tiskani obliki, bi se srečali pred koncertom na dogovorjenem mestu 🎫
Big Stories | Do you know, comrade, who "Laibach" are? (2) - Free Press ... See MoreSee Less
Big Stories | Do you know, comrade, who "Laibach" are? (2) - Free Press
For the Yugoslav public at the time, "Laibach" was a subversive phenomenon. They were banned in Slovenia even before their first concert, and a TV show called for a lynching. Get the most important ne...Comment on Facebook
Laibach is my favorite scapegoat for when I am embarrassed by a fart, but I am NEVER embarrassed by a fart.
Laibach are "the Crew".
I wish you'd come to New Zealand but it's such a long shot 😞
Check the dates for the final round of Opus Dei Revisited Tour, starting already in February. Due to great interest, we have added some new dates. Don’t miss out! 👉https://shorturl.at/XzCBL ... See MoreSee Less
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You’re always welcome in Copenhagen ❤️
MARS 2026 concert #)+(
It's a shame you can't come to Glasgow on this tour but I hope you will do some summer dates in Europe, I want my 20th time seeing you to be something special ➕❤️➕
Will you ever come to America and tour??
J'aimerai tellement aller les voir à Ljubljana ... Je les adorent tellement ... 🫠🤩
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Big Stories | Do you know, comrade, who "Laibach" are? (1) - Free Press ... See MoreSee Less
Big Stories | Do you know, comrade, who "Laibach" are? (1) - Free Press
In the summer of 1987, I found myself in a record store in Copenhagen and found a girl (an employee of the store) wearing a T-shirt from the album of this band "Opus Dei". When I introduced myself as ...Comment on Facebook
Laibach are "the Crew".
No comrade should know about you. You're no comrades. You're infidels. Wannabe-somethings, Germanophiles, fascistoids - nothing to do with comrades. You thought going to fascist North Korea would make you any leftists? You're left like Slavoj Mižek is left, around 0.0001%. Something in those numbers.
Studenti i omladina su uvek u pravu! Danas oni spasavaju dostojanstvo Srbije. Mi ćemo biti sa njima na našim koncertima u Domu omladine 8. i 9. marta. Napravimo Srbiju opet velikom! 👉 shorturl.at/gJJ4a ... See MoreSee Less
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Mi ovde tri meseca protestujemo i patimo se, vi objavite podršku studentima i posle 23h PADNE VLADA! Pa šta ste čekali toliko? 😅❤🖤❤🖤❤🖤❤🖤❤
Prava poruka u pravi čas 🙏❤️
Svakako nije laka igra sa velikim (američkim) i našim malim populistima 🙂
nije potrebno, srati...
живела велика Србија 🇷🇸❤️
Vidimo se u Sittardu☝🏼
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"The West has always been afraid of Eastern Europe." From Laibach interview in Nedeljnik (Serbia) ... See MoreSee Less
Zapad se uvek plašio Istočne Evrope: Ekskluzivno Laibach za novi broj Nedeljnika - Nedeljnik
Kada sam se 1987. našao u jednoj prodavnici ploča u Kopenhagenu, zatekao sam devojku (zaposlenu u šopu) sa majicom albuma ovog benda "Opus Dei". Kada sam se predstavio kao "zemljak" benda, a tada s...Comment on Facebook
"The socialist bloc was excluded from the musical pop/rock reality" yes, but interestingly, the otherwise conservative and derided Heavy Metal scene was always receptive to the East, so in the 80s it wasn´t unusual to find records or tapes from Avgust or Chernyy Kofe from Russia, Pokolgep from Hungary, Masters Hammer and Törr from Tchechoslovakia and so on. the chavs had more sense for internationalism than the cool kids 😉
West is the best. But, East is the beast.
Yes the easts jealousy is obvious and still is
"malo / voleli" ? totalna ljubav i bez straha 😉
of course. because we learned, after an enlightening lyric, that "barbarians are coming from the East", and what they will do! www.youtube.com/watch?v=OmgoGCSQ_A4
🤣 Laibach became a comedy of himself
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📢Drage faraonke, dragi faraoni
Primorske novice v sodelovanju z Gledališčem Koper in Radiem Koper prirejamo serijo pogovorov “Četrt stoletja”, s katero obeležujemo 25. obletnico Gledališča Koper.
Ti pogovori so zasnovani kot priložnost za poglobljeno razpravo o ključnih vprašanjih naše družbe, z močno kulturno noto.
📍30. 1. pogovor povezuje moja malenkost, beseda pa bo tekla o kulturnih stikih med slovenskim prostorom in državami nekdanje Jugoslavije.
Na odru se mi bodo pridružili:
👉 kulturna posrednica, pripovedovalka in aktivistka Irena Urbič
👉 spletni interaktivni umetnik, pionir net.art gibanja v 90. letih Vuk Cosic
👉glasbenik, ideolog in ustanovni član zasedbe Laibach Ivan Novak
📍Vidimo se torej v četrtek, 30. januarja ob 19. uri v Gledališču Koper
Vstop je prost, vendar je potrebna predhodna rezervacija vstopnic na info@gledalisce-koper.si.
Gledališče Koper Teatro Capodistria Primorske Novice Radio Koper ... See MoreSee Less
Comment on Facebook
My Zio Giorgio was the anchorman for the News in Koper/Capodistria... Sadly he has moved on, but helped translate the peace agreements with Bill Clinton before he left us. Such a beautiful place.
Laibach Great news! Will these talks be recorded and then made available online? Thanks!
Founding member-more commonly know as the boss/CEO.Very capitalistic😁
... See MoreSee Less
This content isn't available right now
When this happens, it's usually because the owner only shared it with a small group of people, changed who can see it or it's been deleted.Comment on Facebook
🖤 Congratulations 🖤
Sie waren nicht
This content isn't available?...
R.I.P. off, David Lynch! ... See MoreSee Less
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Worst thing he ever put on his soundtracks.
Was on “repeat” while ago
But the vox is from Laibach ?
Very sad news
Rammstein from DDR was better than Lynch
introduced the world to Rammstein , well Trent did here
Apples ripping off oranges 🤷
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Read the Opus Dei review in TAZ:
"The work of the Lord, quadrupled and with fun" ... See MoreSee Less
Wiederbegegnung mit Laibach: Das Werk des Herrn, vervierfacht und mit Gaudi
„Life“ ist immernoch „Life“: Höchste Zeit für die Neuauflage von „Opus Dei“, dem Erfolgsalbum des slowenischen Provokünstlerkollektivs Laibach.Comment on Facebook
Fakten vermischt mit Abwertungen, Behauptungen, freier Erfindung und Ideologie, wie immer bei der TAZ.
When the TAZ is writing about Laibach you should be very very suspicious of this article.