Laibach Kunst Exhibition

We are delighted to announce the opening of a large-scale Laibach exhibition in Muzeum Sztuki in Łodz (Poland), on May 26th 2009.

In 10 exhibition rooms Laibach will present the 10 Items of Covenant, 10 statements, 10 different installations. The exhibition will be a return to the group’s beginnings in 1980 and span different time periods.

Laibach created some significant exhibitions between 1980 – 1985 and subsequently stepped out of the galleries, exhibiting only sporadically at different occasions, so this will be a great opportunity to draw a line and examine the other, less known, side of Laibach. 

The day after the opening of exhibition Laibach will also perform the LAIBACHKUNSTDERFUGE program in the Filharmonia Łódzka im. Artura Rubinsteina.

The exhibition will last until August 23rd.

Laibach Kunst Exhibition